Community Board
Upcoming events and opportunities
OMS Start a Band
Free 8-week course focusing on how a band works, how to write a song, and how to perform together and for others! The goal is to write a song as a group, practice it and then play it at the OMS Community Performance Night.
OMS band coaching course takes place every Thursday at Noisy Rooms in Friedrichshain (when the course is running).
Sign up! Playing in a band is the best fun.

Volunteer With Us
All classes at the OMS are volunteer powered.
We are always looking for support from musicians who might like to donate a little time, energy and knowledge to teach/assist in a class (or even run a workshop).
Volunteering at the OMS is a lot of fun and can be very rewarding. Many teachers have been part of the team for years and have built a relationship with the project and members of the community.
There is no level of musicianship or teaching proficiency required, all we ask for is a willingness to share the skills you have.
Learn more and get involved here.

Instrument Donation
Almost all of the instruments at the OMS are donated.
Got an unplayed guitar, ukulele, keyboard, oud - or really anything - lying around not being played? And you feel like donating it?
Write to joe.marshall@gsbtb.org and bring it on by. Or better yet, bring it along and play it!
