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to the
 Open Music School!

The GSBTB Open Music School is a completely FREE musical knowledge-sharing community that focuses on the inclusion of new migrants, marginalised people and those seeking a positive social network in Berlin.  

All our regular classes do not require registration, just pop in and start playing. If you have any questions, please get in touch. 

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6 Week Intro to Oud Course

(on pause)

TBC | OMS Project Space, Lenaustr. 3, 12047 (1. Etage)


Ukulele Mondays (4-Week Course) on pause

TBC | OMS Project Space, Lenaustr. 3, 12047 (1. Etage)

Copy of P1110595.JPG

Guitar Beginners/ 

Gitarre für Anfänger:innen

18:30 | OMS Project Space, Lenaustr. 3, 12047 (1. Etage)


Guitar Intermediate/

Gitarre Mittel

18:30 | OMS Project Space, Lenaustr. 3, 12047 (1. Etage)


Guitar All Levels/ 

Gitarre für Stufen

19:30 | OMS Project Space, Lenaustr. 3, 12047 (1. Etage)

Lotto Stiftung Berlin logo, a four-leafed clover
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